Location – Radiation level – Time


6 Million Readings

17 Months

1 Hidden Story

Data doesn’t lie, or does it? It depends on how it is collected, analyzed and presented. Sometimes, it is the missing data that tells the truth.

It can be difficult to detect deceptive data collection, tampering, fabrication or cyber meddling. Especially when performing the arduous task of analyzing millions of records with standard statistics or even AI.

What if you could just fly through and see everything?

Now you get to use the most powerful intelligence system known on Earth, the human brain! We are innately able recognize patterns that would take months, years or perhaps never be found with conventional analysis. Even AI does not match our innate pattern recognition abilities.

Radiation at Fukushima was stated to be steadily declining. However, when seeing the data in our immersive 3D environment, it becomes obvious something is wrong. Rather than see a downward trend in hotspots, you notice they simply start disappearing altogether.

These gaps in the data turned out to be no accident. They were the result of intentional manipulation of the collection process to give the false appearance that things were getting better. By occasionally avoiding known hotspots the ‘average’ radiation levels appeared to be declining.

We let you see ALL of your data, which makes it harder to be fooled. Remember, your brain is the best tool you have and it is really good at noticing anomalies.